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Tugging at Heartstrings: Jordanna’s Letter Necklace

From: Salinas, CA.

For Jordanna, her Maya Brenner necklace has become a living symbol of her journey as a mother—a journey that has had unimaginable challenges and continues to be a testament to her strength and resilience.

Two years ago, on Mother’s Day 2022, Jordanna’s world looked very different. She had just given birth to her second child, Katherine, who arrived early and was immediately placed in critical care at the UCDavis NICU. Little Katherine had a heart condition, and Jordanna and her husband were facing the devastating uncertainty of whether their newborn daughter would survive.

During one of the many long days in the NICU, Jordanna met a nurse who wore a necklace with her children’s initials. This small, delicate piece instantly caught Jordanna’s eye. In the midst of such a difficult time, the necklace became a symbol of comfort and love. “I fell in love with it,” Jordanna recalls. “I told my husband that’s exactly what I wanted for Mother’s Day—a necklace with my children’s initials along with a heart, so I could keep them close to me, especially since I didn’t know if my daughter was going to make it.”

And so, Jordanna’s husband gave her the necklace—a delicate but powerful reminder of her two children: Benjamin, then 2 years old, and baby Katherine, still fighting for her life. For Jordanna, this was more than a gift; it was a piece of her heart she could wear, keeping her babies close to her in a way that felt tangible.

“I have not removed it since putting it on,” she says, reflecting on the two years that have passed. Thankfully, little Katherine pulled through, and the family has since welcomed another baby girl, whose initial Jordanna recently added to the necklace. Now, with the initials of her three children—Benjamin, Katherine, and Naomi—Jordanna wears the necklace with deep pride and gratitude.

“It’s more than just a necklace,” she says. “It symbolizes everything we’ve been through as a family. Maya Brenner, thank you for what you do!”

Jordanna’s story is a reminder of the profound connections we carry with us, sometimes in the simplest of ways. For her, this necklace is not just a piece of jewelry—it’s a symbol of her unwavering love and the strength that carried her through a time of fear and uncertainty. It’s a testament to those we hold most dear.

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